Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Plans within Plans

I wish I could take the time to regurgitate all that Joe and I discussed about the album on my drive home from school today. I love building the production framework that goes into recording an album. I'm also happy to be working with Joe in a greater capacity this time around, because he has many studio experiences under his own belt as both a drummer and a songwriter. Then of course working with Scott for the last 18 years, well, that's kind of priceless. I can give him a look, he raises an eyebrow, I nod, and a thousand unspoken words have passed between us.

So, the plan as it stands now is for Joe and I to track day and night on Friday and Saturday. We'll see what we can get accomplished, and head cold withstanding, I'm going to try and record all of my vocals and principle guitar parts. Later, when Scott and Oliver have tracked, and the songs are beginning to mature, we'll be able to hear what other parts might need to be added to the arrangements. They might be in the form of other guitars, piano, percussion, vocals, etc. Joe and I discussed other instrumentalists as well. For instance, he knows a very seasoned cellist that we might want to use. I'm also in conversation with two female vocalists that I hope to be working with on a couple of the songs. Nothing definite yet, but at least I know that I have other voices to work with if the song calls for it. So, things are starting to take shape in our minds, and this will all need to fall into place quite efficiently for this album to be tracked, mixed, and mastered in the next several weeks. Nothing like a little pressure ;)

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